Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The woman with a stick

Last week, a woman came in barely able to walk and leaned all of her weight on to a stick. She couldn't walk, because one leg was about three times the size of the other one in width. She had an enormous abscess in her right thigh. Now, I don't like removing large amounts of pus, but I'll step up to the call when needed. So, last week I volunteered to be the one to do her I&D, or removal of pus in her leg. First of all, we had to make sure it was an abscess, so I stuck in a needle to aspirate it. Sure enough, it came out. I'm sharing this with you because of the rest of the story to come. Mind you, to my surprise, a literal bucket full of pus came out of her leg! How does this happen to someone? Because they come from miles to get here. They do not know the value of going to the hospital right away when a problem starts. They even try local medicine sometime, which is stuff like cutting on one's leg with a razor or painting the skin.

Well, this week she came back in for follow up and she pointed to me that I was the one who fixed her leg. It all came back to me and I remembered quite well. She said, "I was the one with the stick." I responded to her how she wasn't using it anymore, how that was a miracle, and how that abscess could have made her lose her leg or her life. I told her that God uses His people and He healed her. This woman is no longer with a stick. Praise God!

1 comment:

  1. Yea, another one!

    Thank you, God, for these amazing results that have freed this poor woman's physical pain, restored her mobility, and brought her joy!
