Monday, April 16, 2007

My Mom gave me a chicken!

Hey everyone! I just got back from the clinic today and carried home a chicken! Yes, a live chicken. I was standing in the clinic, when a woman here named Doris came and gave me a chicken as a gift. She is a Ghanian nurse in the pediatric ward and the first day I came we really connected, because I told her that Doris was my mom's name. She said that I was her daughter here and she was my mom here. :) Today I was so surprised when she brought me a chicken she raised herself. I tried to give it back to her because I know how much her family could use it, but I didn't want to insult her and not let her receive the blessing of giving. So, I took the chicken! Now what do I do with it? So, I walked all the way back to the house with it and it actually grew on me. I named it Hot Rod. Well, there's a story there. What goes around comes around. You see, my real mom back in the U.S., Doris, was given a chicken when she was little and she named her little pet Hot Rod. I've never had a chicken before and thought it would complete the circle of giving chickens with people named Doris. How funny! So, I brought it home and talked with the cook. He said I could have chicken soup tomorrow. So we are! Sadly, my Hot Rod isn't alive anymore. I refrained from seeing him take his last breath. I guess this is what you do out here, you eat things fresh! Now, I have to think of something to do for Doris, my mom here. What can compare to a chicken!!!!!


  1. My goodness, how the Lord works! Such a sweet, sweet gesture that touches my heart to think she loves you that much! Maybe my Hot Rod was somebody's chicken soup long ago, too! I bet it didn't mean as much as this chicken does to you in a short one day's time! I know you'll think of the most precious thing in your luggage for her before you leave! You may come home with an empty suitcase for all the love shown you there!
    I hope your stomach is better much today! Chicken soup is probably just what you needed!

  2. People should read this.
